Downloading Mystery Solved
- Techies? Who Needs 'em!
By Joe Robson.Hey I solved a major technology mystery this week. And I
did it on my own after only 37 cups of coffee!
Who needs the Techies!
The last two Downloads I made were directed to my Desktop.
And guess what? Yeah, they never appeared. I searched
through everyone of the little logo shortcuts on my Desktop
one by one ...
Zilch. Not there. Kaput!
I checked in Microsoft Explorer and my desktop folder, and
there they were trying to hide from me. Went back to
Tom Glander's Downloading tutorial and checked I'd done
everything right.
So I created another desktop shortcut for each. Still
nuthin! So like any other normal Technology-hater, I cursed
Bill Gates and gave up!
Because my desktop was full of stuff I no longer wanted I
decided to spring clean. Heck, I came across stuff I'd never
even looked at. Must have seemed a good idea at the time I
downloaded them.
Click. Click. Click, and out they went. And guess what?
My Desktop screen had been so full of unwanted 'stuff'
there'd been no room for the recent ones.... So up they
popped onto my screen with happy smiles on their faces.
Two shortcuts for each!
Voila! - That's French for 'How did that happen?'
Hey, maybe I'm not so dumb after all!
The trouble is that when I clicked on those happy faces I
couldn't remember why I'd downloaded them in the first place.
Like I said... It must have seemed like a good idea at the time!
So if your next download refuses to appear on your Desktop,
check to see if there's enough room. And if it's still
hiding from you, go through The Newbie Club's Downloading
Tutorial - Oops, no longer available.
Of course, if you owned 'Windows For Newbies' you wouldn't
have that problem. How do you think I solved it? (OK I lied!)
Like I said ... Maybe I'm not so dumb after all!
"Hey I'm a Newbie - not a Dummy. Just show me how!"
Read the Stunning Independent Reviews of this Revolutionary
Learning System - Oops, no longer available.
Excuse me, I have some Downloading to do. Techies - who
needs 'em?
Keep smilin', and whatever you do ....
Don't let the Techies get you down!
Joe Robson is author of Make Your Words SELL! co-authored by
Ken Evoy.