Richard's Grey Water to Black Tank Plans
I have attached my drawing for what I'm about to do, and you have my permission to post it on your board. As you can see, I have included a 3-way Diverter valve so that one can attach a Grey hose, and pump water to a distant sewer, honey wagon or other conveyance for Grey water, as well as change the direction of flow to the Black water tank.
Have I over-engineered this project? Probably, but my goal is for trouble free operation when needed, and to take advantage of other opportunities to get rid of Grey water when they arise. And all without breaking camp to find a dump station!
As an after thought, perhaps you could offer this conversion to your customers? I'm sure that many of them would find this a useful addition to their units. A basic "Kit" could be assembled for those that want to "Do-It-Themselves".
Remember, if the pump is located under the unit, as mine will be, then you have to use a pump that is marine rated, or build a weather proof enclosure for it. Shureflo and Flojet pumps are not designed for outside operation!