
April, 2001


Inside this issue:

- WORK RULES by Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
- From the RVer's Open Forum:
- From the RVer's Corner Inbox:
- Golden Rule Camping by Peggi McDonald

Joke of the Day:
Classified Ad Section:
About the RVer's Corner Newsletter:

WORK RULES By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore

When I was teaching Business Law full-time at Mercy College, I would have seniors in my classes who were getting serious about their futures and starting the interview process. I would let them know that I had identified three important work rules to help them shoot up the ladder of success in record time and with great enthusiasm, they would ask that I share these little pearls.

Here are the three work rules that not only college seniors, but also any of us in the workplace can benefit from.

1. Show up. Well, certainly “show up”. If you don’t show up they don’t pay you! But beyond that, always display an attitude that gives confidence to management that you probably are going to be around for the long term. Some people complain and grouse as a natural part of their personality and may mean nothing by it. But is that sends out a message that maybe you won’t be here in a few months, it will adversely affect your future.

2. Show up on time. There is a “lateness acceptability factor” in our culture that says if you are late some of the time because of the weather, because of the traffic and then construction, or because of personal reasons, then it is “OK”. We are all late some of the time. But, if you show up late “some of the time”, it seems to me, you make yourself look “average”, just like everyone else. What if you are someone who is on time, all the time? (There are a few of them out there! They’re like Swiss watches, always on time, no matter what is going on.)

3. Show up prepared. The people you are competing with for your raise, for your promotion, typically grouse and complain about their job, the company, the people, etc., show up late some of the time, and show up unprepared. Start your day the night before by doing Daily Planning during which you make up a list of all the things you “have to” do but, more importantly, all the things you “want to” do. Prioritize those items in order of their importance. (A simple numeric system will work; put a “1” next to the most important item, a “2” next to the second most important item, etc.). Do it the night before so that when you go to bed, you go with a sense of certainty and control you would not ordinarily experience and a sense of anticipation about your day coming up. Then, the next morning, while others around you are trying to figure out what they are going to do for the day, not you, you planned it out the night before so that you can hit the deck on both feet running and moving forward.

If these ideas were helpful, you will want to receive your copy of, “Top Five Time Management Mistakes” that keep us from being fully productive on and off the job. It’s free. To get your copy, email your request for “mistakes” to: ctsem@msn.com

Would you like to receive free Timely Time Management Tips on a regular basis to increase your personal productivity and get more out of every day? Sign up now for your free “TIMELY TIME MANAGEMENT TIPS”. Just go to: Oops, no longer available - and select “subscribe”. We welcome you aboard!

Dr. Donald E. Wetmore-Professional Speaker
Productivity Institute

Time Management Seminars
60 Huntington St., P.O. Box 2126
Shelton, CT 06484
(800) 969-3773 (203) 929-9902
Fax: (203) 929-8151 Email: ctsem@msn.com

Visit our Supersite: http://www.balancetime.com

Professional Member-National Speakers Association

Copyright 2000 You may re-print the above information in its entirety in your publication, newsletter, or on your webpage. For permission, please email your request for “reprint” to: ctsem@msn.com


From the RVers Open Forum:

Calvin asks:

I am considering getting a used diesel pickup for towing. We all have our opinions on how many miles is too many on a gas pickup but considering if in good condition with necessary oil and filter changes, what is your opinion on how many miles is too many for a diesel pickup? What is a ballpark figure when you could expect coming major expenses to outweigh the price difference between low miles and high miles?

And another user (Paul) presents this excellent reply:

It really depends on how the truck was cared for and maintained. Another thing to consider is where the truck is from and what kind of weather conditions it's been exposed to. If we're talking about a truck that's in great all-around shape, with all the maintenance records on hand, 150,000 miles isn't excessive. A properly cared-for diesel can give you 400,000+ miles before a rebuild is required. Unfortunately though, front-ends, brakes, transmissions and body integrity don't often last that long. ANY high mileage vehicle will end up costing you some dough, whether it's a diesel or not.........

This is what our forum is all about ... rv'ers helping other rv'ers!


From the RVer's Corner Inbox:


Hello Les,
Just wondered if you had any information or advice on sealing up a
trailer against rodents. I have a 1995 36 foot wilderness travel
trailer with bump out which I keep at a campground year round. During
the winter months I will have some rodent (mice) problems while the
trailer is in storage. Was wondering if you had any advice as to spots
which could be sealed and ways to do it. I know that the bottom of the
bump out does not seem to seal very well. Also I was wondering if you
or anyone had any experience with those ultrasonic rodent devices which
are suppose to repel them? What I really want to know is do they work.
Thanks Ray


Use moth balls to help repel these pests. I imagine moth balls will also repel moths, as well! But be careful where you put these - small children or pets may find them.

Try stuffing steel wool into any access openings ... apparently mice hate chewing steel wool (who wouldn't!) and will avoid the area.

I'm sure there are many other "home remedies" for rodent problems and we would all like to hear about them. If you would all e-mail me your suggestions, I'll put them in a page on the website.

E-mail your replies to: mailto:webmasterl (at) rverscorner.com


Golden Rule Camping by Peggi McDonald

The camping season is just around the corner. Fishing, hiking, biking, birding and other interesting activities is what make this unique RV lifestyle worthwhile. Relaxing around a campfire or exploring the quiet outdoors adds to the ambiance. When you have warm wonderful neighbours who follow a 'Golden Rule Respect the entire getaway takes on a new meaning.

Although most parks present visitors with a list of general camping regulations, some spout cold authoritative rules that turn most of us off. Several years ago while stopping at a KOA in Ontario, Canada it was a pleasure to read the owners interpretation of how to enjoy yourself while in his park. My copy of his impressive list has long since vanished, but this park owner presented each 'rule' in such an up-beat manner, practicing campground etiquette was no big deal. His park rules were written as recommendations with a subtle reminder to treat others with respect. Campers really enjoyed their holidays at his impressive resort simply because of his attitude. This compassionate KOA owner wanted everyone to have fun; my memories of his 'golden rule respect' went something like this…

1. Please enjoy yourself in our park and return real soon.

2. If you wish to change sites, move tables or park in a second site, we'll comply when possible but we ask you to discuss it with us before you take action. Communication eliminates confusion.

3. Our pool is ready for a pleasant dip for kids of all ages. Please advise young family members that jumping splashes other swimmers and running on wet pool surfaces is an accident waiting to happen.

4. If you find something in our park out of place, don't hesitate to let the office know and we'll tend to it immediately.

5. The washers and dryers in our immaculate laundry room are there for your convenience. Stringing clotheslines between our delicate trees makes our park look messy, plus they could cause serious injury if a camper runs into them when the line is empty. We have several clotheslines behind the laundry room plus we also sell folding type clothesline assemblies in the store. Similar units are available from many RV Dealers and department stores as well.

6. We love to see your four-legged friends enjoy their RV outing, but everyone is more content when your pets are on a leash (cats too) at your campsite or while walking them. If you clean up after your 'babies' no one needs to track pet droppings into their unit.
· Happy and quiet pets are pleasant to be around. If you must leave your travel buddies behind while you are touring, they are generally more comfortable inside. However be certain to provide abundant ventilation and lots of fresh water; temperatures in closed up vehicles rise quickly.

· Important Tip: Pets attached to an RV with a metal chain are in great danger during power surges or electric storms. The chain completes the circuit between your pet and the faulty electric hook up (an open ground or power abnormalities).

· Collapsible metal exercise pens such as those used by dog trainers work well to give a small pets freedom without a leash in a campground. Pet stores stock a wide selection of these folding enclosures.

7. A friendly camper allows everyone sufficient space to enjoy their outing. Be hospitable but please respect the privacy of others.

8. Park walkways provide easy access to move from one road to another. Cutting through sites fringes on the rights and property of fellow campers.

9. Enjoy your music; it brings life to most settings even if everyone does not relish your selections. When the volume remains low, especially during late and early hours, your neighbours can relax at their getaway. The same applies to boisterous behavior, generator use etc.

10. Campfires are a high point of the camping experience. By completely extinguishing them before bed everyone can be assured a safe sleep.

11. Thanks for adding Patio lights, they add a festive atmosphere to our campground, however if your lights shine into your neighbours unit please turn them off before snuggling in.

12. Driving slow along our park roads allows plenty of time to stop for kids playing in and around the streets. Biking and in-line skating are welcome pastimes in our park but please respect campground property and your neighbour's space.

13. We pick-up garbage from the roadway each Monday and Thursday, however for your info dumpsters and recycling bins are located in the NE corner of the park. Recycling helps to save the environment for our children.

14. The corner garage provides excellent economical mechanical service. We regret, due to safety reasons, we have no place for 'on site' vehicle repairs. Spills and resulting messes may damage park property and as well as affect our next customer.

15. We're proud of our pristine park and with your help it will stay that way. Leaving your campsite clean for the next camper is a friendly gesture. Thanks for picking up garbage even if it isn't yours.

16. If you can lend a helping hand to a fellow camper please do, you'll never know when the tables will be reversed. Enjoy your stay and hurry back real soon. Happy Travels

John and I live the RV Lifestyle day in and day out. My book 'Spirit of the open Road' is loaded with tips, hints and ideas on how to avoid our sometimes funny and costly mistakes. Check out http://www.rverscorner.com/spirit.html for details. Visit www.rvliving.net to download my FREE ebook 'RV Living---Facts, Tips, Hints and More: Volume One'. The last chapter contains a comprehensive overview explaining Membership Camping and Camping Clubs in detail.


Joke of the Day:

Once upon a time, in a nice little forest, there lived an orphaned
bunny and an orphaned snake. A surprising coincidence was that both
were blind from birth.
One day, the bunny was hopping through the forest, and the snake
was slithering through the forest, when the bunny tripped over the
snake and fell down.
This, of course, knocked the snake about quite a bit.
"Oh, my," said the bunny,"I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to hurt
you. I've been blind since birth; so, I can't see where I'm going.
In fact, since I'm also an orphan, I don't even know what I am."
"It's quite okay," replied the snake. "Actually, my story is much
the same as yours. I, too, have been blind since birth, and also
never knew my mother. Tell you what, maybe I couldkinda slither
over you, and figure out what you are, so at least you'll have
that going for you."
"Oh, that would be wonderful," replied the bunny. So the snake
slithered all over the bunny, and said, "Well, you're covered
with soft fur; you have really long ears, your nose twitches,
and you have a soft cottony tail. I'd say that you must be a
"Oh, thank you! Thank you," cried the bunny in obvious excitement.
The bunny suggested to the snake, "Maybe I could feel you with my
paw, and the same way you've helped me."
So the bunny felt the snake all over, and remarked, "Well, you're
scaly and slippery, and you have a forked tongue, a flexible
backbone and no balls. I'd say you must be either a politician,
an attorney,or possibly a part of upper management."


Les Doll - RV Technician
My advice is free and worth only what you gain from it!