RV Tip: Doggie Bag
This tip is one that works great -- and the price is right!
We have this RV-sized dog (a Chihuahua) who goes where we go -- and goes where she goes, and we have to pick 'it' up because the next camper may be barefoot.
Invariably, I forget to take a plastic bag or paper towel along when I take her out, and have to go back to the Retirement Villa (RV = Prowler 26H TT) to get one. The other day I was sitting at the picnic table and noticed that the bumper on the curb side has the same rubber stopper with a hole in it as the one on the street side for the sewer hose storage. I decided to get a string of plastic bags from the grocery store that they use to wrap veggies in and stuff them in the bumper with the last one hanging out so that I could pull them out one at a time and tear one off. It works like a champ!
Now, I just take Chocolate Chip out and 'snatch' a bag as I go past the bumper..... And, best of all, when I try to pay for the bags in the grocer's they always say, 'No charge!'
This tip contributed by Don Justice.